Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas tips for the tummy

If, like us, you have any digestive issues this can be a testing (and often painful) time of year. Especially if the rest of your family and/or friends don't really 'get' why you avoid certain foods. So here are some tips to help you maintain a comfy belly.

We've listed a few things that help to fill you up, they are healthier, tummy friendly options. But if they're not suitable for you then just avoid them. Any events that involve the broad spectrum of "normal people" food are kind of like going to a party with a bunch of people you used to like but have got a little too big for their boots; all you can do is maintain polite conversation, don't delve too deep and do not commit to anything - you no longer spend time with these people (for good reason) do not let festive cheer get in the way of your new life! .....Hmm, is it obvious that there are days when we really miss our old daily habit of a  smooth cup of delicimo coffee and a nice piece of cantuccini?.....

These tips have helped us remain ok-ish during the holiday period. Always remember to check with your health practitioner before incorporating any new additions to your health regime. And don't forget to follow your intuition, your head will be telling you to eat one thing but if you listen your body might be pushing you in another direction. The body knows what it's talking about..

# 1.
This is an obvious one but be relentlessly strict with yourself. Of course those lebkuchen, mince pies and stollen cake bites look amazing but unless they are made of ingredients that you can digest with ease then do not touch!

#2. Find some awesome christmas recipe treats @ Elanas Pantry, Nourished Kitchen, The Nourishing Gourmet, and Sunny Raw Kitchen. Almond flour, agave nectar and xylitol are all now available in both supermarkets and health stores, coconut oil is available in holland and barrett (but we've not reviewed that particular brand).

#3. Drink Cinnamon tea to help maintain your blood sugar levels.

This is important for everyone when indulging. Either opt for the easy route and just add a dash of cinnamon to hot water (or black tea) or put 2 sticks of cinnamon in a pan with a squeeze of lemon juice and 2 cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-10minutes, then serve.
N.B.  Cassia cinnamon contains coumarin, which in high doses is a blood thinner. So please check that this is suitable for you before use!

# 4. Encourage detoxification by bodybrushing.

We've said it before and we will say it again, not only does bodybrushing help to breakdown cellulite, exfoliate, help remedy dry skin, increase blood flow, and increase energy but it also gives your lymphatic system a bit of help with toxin elimination. For best effects bodybrush twice a day for 3-7 minutes.

# 5. Teas

Fennel tea, chamomile tea or mint tea to help with tummy pains and digestion. For full on distension try a couple of shakes of ground white pepper in hot water, not appetising but it works for us! Another option for tummy pains is freshly sliced ginger left to steep in hot water for 3-5 minutes with a bit of honey. Yum.

# 6. Try and eat fresh fruit and fresh vegetables with your meal.

Firstly, it will fill you up faster and is easier on your guts, secondly they'll be easier to digest than fat-laden roast vegetables. They are delicious, but they're not going to do much for your tummy or your ticker.
# 7.

Try not to get too involved with the idea that christmas eve, christmas day and boxing day are 3 days of excess.

# 8. Jelly.

Gelatine based or otherwise, this is a low calorie, easy to digest (as far as we know), filling way to get around any sugar cravings that might pop up this weekend!

# 9. Flaxseeds.

Full of fibre, omega fats, lignans, vitamin E and protein, these teensy seeds will help the gut lining, fill you up faster and keep you regular.

# 10. Probiotics.

Honestly, I notice no difference when I take probiotics but my doctor and my naturopath tell me that it's one of the best things I can do for my gut. Some people respond really well to probiotics, if you're interested in trying them out  then our favourite brand is bio-kult. But Probiotics are sold everywhere these days.
Admittedly, we're not too keen on the sugar laden probiotics sold in the yogurt aisle. Alternatively, give live yogurt a go.

# 11. Digestive enzymes.

Sure, you could go ahead and buy some digestive enzymes in tablet form. But if you don't have the time to track them down then buy a papaya and/or a pineapple, juice them, put them in smoothies or eat them as they are as part of your dessert. They will help immensely.

The Nourishing Gourmet has this post on homeopathic remedies for indigestion, acid reflux and heartburn (be sure to consult your health practitioner first!)

Most importantly, don't worry too much. Enjoy the festive season, pay attention to your body and you'll be just fine!

If you have any tips or tricks please let us know in the comments!


  1. some good tips, i think i might go for some healthy teas, ive gotten out of that habit and itll be good on le stomach :)

    my tip would be drink a bit less lol

  2. I'm a big believer in the herbal teas, but I never thought to use raw ginger instead to the tea bag, thanks!
    And i love the jelly tip!
    Smart move still get the taste desert and be part of the meal and no tummy pains.
    Love it thanks
