Friday 16 September 2011

Our Iridology Session @ Content

Image borrowed from
Huge apologies for the lack of posting this week, I came down with some sort of headachey flu and it's only just gone. I'd like to say I kicked it's ass. . .and that would be true if that meant lying on the sofa under a duvet watching 30 rock and warehouse 13. I don't know about you, but there is something seriously awesome about your favourite shows when you have the flu and/or a fever. The payoff is that there is nothing awesome about have the flu or a fever.

I think it's time to get to the topic at hand, as you might know I went for an Iridology consultation at Being Content's real world shop, Content last weekend. Content is a 5 minute walk away from Bond Street tube station, the shop itself reminds me of a stylish apothecary; black walls, pigeon hole shelving, scraps of paper from old books detailing the properties of different herbs (in many different languages) pinned to the wall, and a wall from which cute vintage hand mirrors hang. I really wish I had taken a photo.

Front of house is a young lady called Imelda, who is really friendly and will happily give you info on products suited to your desired purpose. Behind the door at the back of the store, just past the humble make-up counter is where the naturopathy, facials, mani-pedi's, acupuncture and massage happen. There is only one treatment room, so Content offer different services depending on the day. For example, Naturopathy and Iridology appointments are on a Wednesday.

Rue was very friendly and described everything in detail, explaining how my iris corresponded to any physical problems that I might have. The iridology itself took a few minutes, and involved Rue shining a light attached to a magnifier into my eye so she could get a look at the muscle fibers.

The consultation got everything spot on, she explained that I have gut toxicity which is why I have so much trouble with food, she identified the fact that I always have cold hands and feet and put my mind at ease about a few health concerns that have been troubling me recently (mainly the fact that since a traumatic experience a few years ago, I take a long time to recover from fatigue, anxiety, and illness).

Apparently my slow recovery time is due to my constitution. In Iridology there are 6 constitutions (although this number changes depending on where you look):
  1. Silk Constitution. This is the strongest constitution; the muscle fibers are straight and tightly knit. Silk's can afford to burn the candle at both ends, and often do.
  2. Linen Constitution. This constitution is similar to Silk. Linen's can tolerate high levels of stressful and can get away with a less than optimal diet for many years.
  3. Hessian Constitution (aka the daisy petal). Similar to the fabric, the fibers are not tightly knitted, have an irregular thickness and are woven openly. It is said that Hessian's are very sensitive to the emotions of others and have slower metabolic processes.
  4. Net Constitution. Not traditionally seen as one of the stronger constitutions, Net's must take greater care with their diet to get the most out of their food. While they might not take on more than one stress at a time, they can work at a project until completion.
  5. Muslin Constitution. Muslin's have crumpled, zig-zag fibers which indicate that this constitution has a tendency to heal slowly and is very sensitive to stress.
  6. Honeycomb Constitution. Similar appearance to brown velvet with small hectagonal holes which are indicative of inherent weaknesses in this constitution.

Combined Constitutions also occur, for instance, Em is a Linen-Hessian Constitution.

I am a Hessian Constitution. Rue explained that while Silk's can get away with a lot, they are similar to oak trees in that they are strong and can tolerate continuous pressure (both physically and emotionally), but when they fall, they fall hard. Hessian's on the other hand are more like willow trees; we get blown over easily.
On the plus side we bounce back after a bit of R&R.

I would wholeheartedly recommend going to see Rue for an Iridology session, it gave me a greater insight into my own health and areas that I need to work on. As a side note, to get to the treatment room, you need to go down some steepish stairs, if this is an issue for you let Imelda know when booking. I'm sure they'd be able to sort something out for you.
If you'd like to book an appointment click here, If you'd like to see all of the therapies that content offer click here.

Thanks for stopping by!

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